Aweh! Grade 1 Level 4 Reader 7: Night Adder and Moons jersey

ISBN: 9780190424381
Author: L. de la Cornillre-Schutte

R45.95 (incl. VAT)

Night Adder and Moon’s jersey is the seventh Reader of Level 4 in the Aweh! English First Additional Language reading scheme. Aweh! is a graded reading scheme that will awaken any child’s imagination as they join Mama Africa in saving the world’s stories by charging the Umthombo; the well of stories. The bright and colourful artwork provides a child-centred learning opportunity that integrates both the weekly Mathematics concept and the Life Skills topic. The inside cover identifies the key vocabulary and phonic focus for every Reader. The back inside cover offers a fun writing activity to consolidate the child’s understanding and to link reading to writing.

Aweh! English First Additional Language is a whole language graded reading scheme,

structured around vocabulary acquisition and includes embedded phonics.

Other languages in this series include isiZulu Home Language and isiXhosa Home Language phonic based reading schemes.

Night Adder and Moon's jersey is the seventh Reader of Level 4 in the Aweh! English First Additional Language reading scheme. Aweh! is a graded reading scheme that will awaken any child's imagination as they join Mama Africa in saving the world's stories by charging the Umthombo; the well of stories. The bright and colourful artwork provides a child-centred learning opportunity that integrates both the weekly Mathematics concept and the Life Skills topic. The inside cover identifies the key vocabulary and phonic focus for every Reader. The back inside cover offers a fun writing activity to consolidate the child's understanding and to link reading to writing.

Aweh! English First Additional Language is a whole language graded reading scheme,

structured around vocabulary acquisition and includes embedded phonics.

Other languages in this series include isiZulu Home Language and isiXhosa Home Language phonic based reading schemes.


  • Lelo, who lives here?
  • What is it made of?
  • The legend of the Blue Crane
  • Mongo's map of surprises
  • The Rain Queen
  • How do you save water?
  • Night Adder and Moon's jersey
  • How the Moon changes
  • Hen's clever plan
  • Tebogo's exciting year

Additional information






Publication Date

31 May 2018



