Ways of Dying ePub2
ISBN: 9780190408060
Author: Mda
R271.95 (incl. VAT)
Toloki is an eccentric and dignified professional mourner. Zakes Mda’s Ways of Dying tells of his odyssey from a rural community to the vibrant outskirts of a contemporary South African city, where the beautiful and tragic Noria helps him to heal the past. By turns magical, brutal, and funny, this compelling work is a major contribution to South African writing.
Toloki is an eccentric and dignified professional mourner. Zakes Mda's Ways of Dying tells of his odyssey from a rural community to the vibrant outskirts of a contemporary South African city, where the beautiful and tragic Noria helps him to heal the past. By turns magical, brutal, and funny, this compelling work is a major contribution to South African writing.