Oxford Suksesvolle Sosiale Wetenskappe Graad 5 Leerdersboek ePDF


ISBN: 9780190412845
Author: 0

R128.95 (incl. VAT)

Oxford Successful Social Sciences is an exciting new course developed for the National Curriculum Statement. The course examines the relationship between people, and between people and their environment, promoting enquiry, interaction and independent reasoning.

Oxford Successful Social Sciences is an exciting new course developed for the National Curriculum Statement. The course examines the relationship between people, and between people and their environment, promoting enquiry, interaction and independent reasoning.


  • The Teacher's Books provide clear guidelines on the Revised National Curriculum Statement, with new terminology and concepts explained
  • Present a time-saving, comprehensive list covering the learning outcomes and assessment standards for the Social Sciences Learning Area
  • Provide answers to the activities in the Learners Book, and ideas for continuous assessment and extension activities
  • Suggest a practical workplan for the yearn Offer photocopiable assessment pages for each chapter
  • Include resource pages which give background information to the teacher.

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Publication Date

11 Oct 2016

