Oxford Reading Tree: Explore With Biff, Chip & Kipper: Level 1: Mixed Pack of 6

ISBN: 9780198396437

R534.95 (incl. VAT)

The Level 1 pack contains 6 books, one of each of the following titles: Tin Can Tracks, Animal Tracks, In the Sun, Sun Hat, Sunscreen, Sun!, Big!, As Big As Me!.

Oxford Reading Tree Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper is a series of paired fiction and non-fiction books linked by curriculum-related topics that children will be learning about in the classroom. Each pair consists of an engaging story featuring well-loved characters and a compelling non-fiction book. These topic-linked pairings encourage children to read and relish both text types from an early age, develop and deepen their reading comprehension and foster a love of reading.

These books at Oxford Level 1 are wordless and provide engaging stories and non-fiction through illustration and photographs. All the books in the series are carefully levelled, so it is easy to match every child with the right book and enable them to progress.

Each book contains inside cover notes to help adults read and explore the content with their child. Free teaching notes and help with childrens reading development is available on Oxford Owl at www.oxfordowl.co.uk.

The Level 1 pack contains 6 books, one of each of the following titles: Tin Can Tracks, Animal Tracks, In the Sun, Sun Hat, Sunscreen, Sun!, Big!, As Big As Me!.

Oxford Reading Tree Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper is a series of paired fiction and non-fiction books linked by curriculum-related topics that children will be learning about in the classroom. Each pair consists of an engaging story featuring well-loved characters and a compelling non-fiction book. These topic-linked pairings encourage children to read and relish both text types from an early age, develop and deepen their reading comprehension and foster a love of reading.

These books at Oxford Level 1 are wordless and provide engaging stories and non-fiction through illustration and photographs. All the books in the series are carefully levelled, so it is easy to match every child with the right book and enable them to progress.

Each book contains inside cover notes to help adults read and explore the content with their child. Free teaching notes and help with childrens reading development is available on Oxford Owl at www.oxfordowl.co.uk.


  • {'feature': ['Topic-linked pairs of imaginative character stories featuring well-loved characters and compelling non-fiction books.
  • The books in each pair are linked to each other, so that children reading the fiction will be motivated to read the matching non-fiction afterwards, and vice-versa.
  • All pairs focus on a science, geography, history or art topic, so that they support the wider curriculum and link in with subjects being taught in the classroom.
  • The series develops the comprehension skills children need to reach the expectations of the 2014 National Curriculum, with comprehension questions included in every book.
  • Wordless books at Level 1 provide captivating books for children who have not yet learned to decode. They provide lots of opportunities for discussion and playing with environmental sounds to help prepare them for their first steps as readers.
  • Engaging phonically decodable text is appropriate for developing readers, featuring a limited number of high-interest topic words to enrich and add interest and support vocabulary development.
  • Fiction books feature all the characters from the Biff, Chip and Kipper stories. Real-life scenarios and humorous illustrations as well as dramatic magic key adventures inspire and motivate the reader.
  • Non-fiction books feature stunning photographs and the varied texts engage readers with new and wide-ranging information.
  • All books are accompanied by teaching notes and handbooks, which focus on developing comprehension alongside developing decoding skills, and inside cover notes, which provide targeted support for parents and teaching assistants.
  • The series is underpinned by Oxford Levels and the Oxford Reading Criterion Scale, matching every child with the right book through careful grading.']}

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Publication Date

18 Jan 2018



