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Psychology: An introduction is a comprehensive first-year psychology textbook written for South African students. Interest is engaged through narrative introductions, research findings and relevant case studies, giving students the tools to develop their own ideas and to engage critically with the content. The fifth edition engages more reflectively on the discipline with a greater focus on developing a decolonial and African-centred psychology, thus supporting universities with the transformation of curricula.

Psychology: An introduction is a comprehensive first-year psychology textbook written for South African students. Interest is engaged through narrative introductions, research findings and relevant case studies, giving students the tools to develop their own ideas and to engage critically with the content. The fifth edition engages more reflectively on the discipline with a greater focus on developing a decolonial and African-centred psychology, thus supporting universities with the transformation of curricula.


  • More content on the role of race and gender and the current state of the discipline in Chapter 1: Finding out about people.
  • New sections on indigenous and decolonial research methods and on methodological flexibility in Chapter 2: Research methods.
  • Inclusion of the South African Personality Inventory (SAPI) in Chapter 6: Personality assessment.
  • A section on phenomenological approaches to sensation and perception in Chapter 8: Sensation and perception.
  • A section on critical, decolonising and de-individualising perspectives to learning in Chapter 9: Learning and conditioning.
  • A section on a decolonial view of memory in Chapter 13: Memory.
  • A significantly expanded and updated Chapter 15: Intelligence - including more on psychological testing in South Africa and a critique of intelligence testing.
  • The incorporation of African psychologies of men in Chapter 19: Sex, gender and sexuality.
  • A substantially revised Chapter 22: Substance use safety.
  • A section on pandemics and mental health in Chapter 23: Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, TB, parasites and pandemics.
  • Sections on contemporary and emerging frameworks and critical approaches to psychopathology in Chapter 24: Psychopathology.
  • Updated referenced content throughout the book to reflect the latest research in psychology, with a focus on South African research.

Part 1 Introduction to psychology
1Finding out about people
2Research methods in psychology
Part 2 Developmental psychology
3Early and middle childhood
4Adolescence, adulthood and ageing
Part 3: Personality
5Theories of personality
6Personality assessment
Part 4: Brain and behaviour
7Biological psychology and neuropsychology
8Sensation and perception
Part 5: Cognitive psychology
9Learning and conditioning
10Motivation and emotion
Part 6 Social psychology
16Interpersonal attraction
17Group concepts
18Poverty and ethnicity
19Sex, gender and sexuality
20 Violence, traumatic stress, peacemaking and peacebuilding
Part 7: Psychology and health
21Risk behaviour and stress
22Substance use safety
23Nutrition, HIV/Aids, TB and parasites
Part 8 Mental health
26Community mental health
Part 9: Organisational psychology
27Organisational psychology
Part 10: African and Eastern psychologies
28African and Eastern psychologies
  • Psychology: An Introduction 5e

The specification in this catalogue, including without limitation price, format, extent, number of illustrations, and month of publication, was as accurate as possible at the time the catalogue was compiled. Due to contractual restrictions, we reserve the right not to supply certain territories.