Unleashing the Power of Hands-on Learning: Empowering Students for the Future

by | Jun 30, 2023 | Schools News, News, Coding & Robotics Schools

The human race has evolved rapidly over the past century – even more so in the last decade – with technology playing a crucial role in our co-existence and learning.

Breakthroughs in material sciences and biology, leveraging the power of digitisation and information technology, has fundamentally transformed our lives. Schools across the country now find themselves in the midst of an “AI-Robotics-4IR-CAPS” craze.

While some South African schools have embraced this transformation and have started incorporating subjects like Coding and Robotics into their curriculum, others haven’t yet. We may ask ourselves: Why are they hesitant? Do they wonder whether it is merely a passing phase? Coding and robotics, however, are two of the fastest-growing areas in the technology industry, so it is essential for schools to equip their learners to keep pace with this shift.

Rather than perceiving the implementation of Coding and Robotics in schools as an uncontrollable force, it is important to view it as an opportunity to reflect on the role we can all play in shaping the coding revolution. This responsibility goes beyond teachers alone. It encompasses various stakeholders – principals, parents and caregivers, government, businesspeople, entrepreneurs, publishers and many more – all working together to ensure that our children are prepared to contribute meaningfully to a 21st century society that looks for innovative thinkers, problem solvers and tech-savvy individuals.

At the same time, in today’s revolutionary educational environment, teachers have an incredible opportunity to unleash learners’ potential through a practical approach to learning.

Such an approach is designed to foster cognitive problem-solving skills, fine motor skills development and responsible digital citizenship. For Coding and Robotics, textbooks should be used in conjunction with kits to balance informative theory with hands-on experiences.

Resolute Education and Oxford University Press Southern Africa recognise our role in assisting schools on their Coding and Robotics journey. We aim to bridge the gap between this new subject and existing curriculums. We offer a combination of kits and books to revolutionise the way learners are taught. Our offering emphasises practical learning by incorporating engaging exercises, stimulating games and real-world applications for learners to acquire programming and robotics skill sets that are vital in the digital era.

We also recognise that schools are all at different stages in their Coding and Robotics journeys. We strive to offer a flexible, pedagogically sound solution that schools can mould to fit their own vision.

We are excited to witness and be a part of what the future holds for everyone involved in this transformative journey. By embracing the potential of Coding and Robotics and collaborating with dedicated stakeholders, we can collectively shape a future where learners are empowered to adapt and flourish in an ever-evolving technological world, one practical experience at a time.

Coding #Robotics #STEM

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