
The keys to unlocking literacy and learning

From home to school and everyhwere in between, language is at the heart of learning. At Oxford, we firmly believe that dictionaries are the keys to unlocking literacy and learning. They help people to understand their mother tongue better, assist them when learning an additional language and help speakers of other languages excel in their studies when learning through the medium of English. Each page in an Oxford dictionary celebrates language and the opportunities a broad vocabulary can provide.

Bilingual Dictionaries

Our local publishing programme focuses on the particular needs of southern Africans, providing award-winning bilingual dictionaries, as well as monolingual, multilingual and subject dictionaries that are proven in schools.

English Dictionaries

Because of their exceptional clarity, accuracy and ease of use, Oxford English dictionaries are the acknowledged authority on South African and general English for study, professional use and at home.


The Oxford Thesaurus range includes comprehensive reference texts for the bookshelf at home, in the classroom, or in the office. They are the perfect tools for creative writing and word games, helping you find the words you need every time.


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