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Oxford’s Maths Magazine: SUM IT UP vol. 2

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Schools News

In the 2024 edition of our Oxford maths magazine, we build on the themes of the first volume with the focus on wellness in maths.

There are several facets to wellness in maths, and the articles in the magazine explore a few of them:

  • Neuroplasticity and breaking the myth that some brains are limited (page 4)
  • Bringing maths wellness into our classrooms and homes by tapping into children’s natural curiosity about the world around them (page 6)
  • How digital platforms can be used to alleviate maths anxiety, especially through the use of Al (page 10)

Again, we have a maths story, but this time from a parent’s perspective. We also showcase our new foundation phase books for problem solving in mathematics and discuss the main problem-solving strategies (page 13). Lastly, we hear from one of our TVET lecturers on how to encourage struggling college students (page 15).

We hope this second issue of SUM IT UP inspires you to think about your own narrative around mathematics and how you communicate that to the children in your care, whether you are a teacher, tutor, parent or caregiver.  

Let’s embrace the idea of continuous growth and that achievement in maths is possible for all.

Click to read the full magazine online:

#Maths #Teachers #ProblemSolving #MathsWellness #MathsAnxiety #DigitalMaths

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