In the 2024 edition of our literacy magazine, A, B, See!, we build on the themes of the first volume with the focus on how mother tongue learning is crucial in reading and foundational teaching, and how OUP products support teachers in doing this successfully in the classroom.
Articles and insights included in this edition comprise the following:
- The ever-changing world of reading – with new research comes new terminology, approaches and benchmarks. On pages 8 and 9, teachers from the Western Cape Education Department delve into the Science of Reading and explicit phonics instruction and share their tips for supporting their learners.
- Investing in our children’s future – Professor Elizabeth Pretorius helps us support teachers with new developments while we make products based on best practice. Her article Investing in our children’s future: the case of reading instruction on pages 11 and 12, highlights why the teaching of phonics, including word building and encoding, is a crucial foundation to developing strong reading skills.
- The importance of pictures books – many learners start school with little to no exposure to books and most importantly, picture books. Our Aweh! and Aitsa! reading schemes are graded and support the teaching of reading for meaning while using full page picture book artwork. On page 7, our Nguni Languages Publisher, Hloniphani Ndlovu, explains Why the use of pictures in storybooks and readers is important.
- Digital support in the reading landscape – once learners can decode and have developed a level of automaticity and fluency when reading, comprehension becomes the focus. Oxford Reading Buddy offers this support to English and Afrikaans classrooms as explored in the article on page 15, New reading platform makes reading in Afrikaans fun for school kids.
As South Africa’s leading literacy publisher, Oxford University Press offers solutions to address the reading crisis in our country and support learners in achieving literacy success.
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