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Coovadia's Paediatrics and Child Health is a well known and trusted text book in the field of paediatrics. It is an important resource for healthcare professionals and community care practitioners. This comprehensive introduction to paediatrics and child health emphasises a primary care approach from a southern African perspective to enable practitioners to deal effectively with local health problems. The book maintains a problem-based approach to facilitate a full evaluation of the sick child from a holistic perspective.

Coovadia's Paediatrics and Child Health is a well known and trusted text book in the field of paediatrics. It is an important resource for healthcare professionals and community care practitioners. This comprehensive introduction to paediatrics and child health emphasises a primary care approach from a southern African perspective to enable practitioners to deal effectively with local health problems. The book maintains a problem-based approach to facilitate a full evaluation of the sick child from a holistic perspective.


  • Tables which summarise factual information such as signs and symptoms for quick reference.
  • Information boxes which list or highlight information or provide additional points.
  • Figures with illustrations, mindmaps or flow charts
  • X-rays and other illustrations.

Part 1: Evaluation, growth and development
1History-taking, physical examination, and evaluation of the sick child
2Growth and development
3Medical genetics and congenital disorders
Part 2: Psychosocial and community paediatrics
4Community paediatrics, child health and survival
5Social paediatrics
6Developmental, psychological and behavioural disorders
Part 3: Neonatal paediatrics
7Care of the newborn
8Surgical care of the newborn
9Feeding and nutrition of babies and children
Part 4: Metabolic and nutritional disorders
10Metabolic disorders
12Rickets and metabolic disorders
13Nutritional disorders
Part 5: Infections
14Principles of infection
15Childhood vaccines
16Systemic infections
17Parasitic and fungal infections
19Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection
Part 6: Disorders of regulation and immune control
20Endocrine disorders
21Allergic disorders
22Primary immunodeficiency diseases
23Connective tissue disorders
24Neoplastic disorders
Part 7: System-based disorders
25Disorders of the blood
26Gastrointestinal disorders
27Respiratory disorders
28Neurological and muscular disorders
29Renal and urinary tract disorders
30Cardiovascular disorders
31Hepatic disorders
Part 8: Miscellaneous disorders and issues
32Paediatric surgical disorders
33Orthopaedic disorders
34Skin disorders
35Disorders of the eye
36Ear, nose and throat disorders
37Oral and dental disorders
39Ethical issues in paediatrics
Bachelor of Medicine (MBChB) students, Bachelor of Nursing (BCur), Health care professionals, Community Care Professionals.
  • Coovadia's Paediatrics & Child Health 7e

The specification in this catalogue, including without limitation price, format, extent, number of illustrations, and month of publication, was as accurate as possible at the time the catalogue was compiled. Due to contractual restrictions, we reserve the right not to supply certain territories.